
TCS TürControlSysteme AG
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 7
39307 Genthin

Phone: +49 3933 879910
Fax: +49 3933 879911
E-Mail: info[at] 

Commercial register: HRB 3909 AG Stendal, registered head office of the company Genthin
Sales tax-ID: DE811838548

Executive board Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Otto Duffner (Vorsitzender), Johannes Duffner
Supervisory board Herbert Walter (Vorsitzender), Dipl.-El.-Ing (FH) / EMBA Jörg Stocker

Image rights
The picture material used on this internet presence is subject to German copyright law, unless the utilization rights of third parties are underlying copyright laws of other states. Except the internal company photo and image documentation of TCS AG, there were used photos of different picture agencies under compliance of their conditions for use. Each storage, use and transfer requires written approval by TCS AG.
Please send your questions on this topic to info[at] Excluded are picture rights of image agencies, here their respective copyright laws and conditions of use are valid.